
Candidate Induction Ceremony

The Epsilon Alpha Colony has conducted its first official Candidate Induction Ceremony since its re-colonization. Epsilon Alpha Inducted 36 incredible new members with an average GPA of 3.5. All of the men are incredibly hard workers who are excited to bring back the historic reputation of Sigma Nu Fraternity to […]

Candidate Induction Ceremony

Recolonization Efforts

As you may have heard, the Epsilon Alpha Chapter voluntarily relinquished its charter in 2009 for the inability to attract and retain new members. Since that time there have been many discussion about bringing the chapter back to campus, but nothing has ended up coming together. Two hot ticket items […]

The Path to Recolonization

Welcome to our updated website! Our hope is that this website will be able to provide all the necessary information to all alumni (and current members) of Sigma Nu Fraternity’s Epsilon Alpha Chapter. As you may have heard, the chapter voluntarily relinquished it’s charter in 2009 for the inability to […]